About me
Dr. Jill Balzer received her Bachelor of Science degree from Emporia State University in Secondary Social Studies, Master's from Wichita State University in Curriculum and Instruction, and a doctorate in Educational Administration, from Texas A&M University in College Station. Dr. Balzer taught High School Social Studies and coached basketball and softball for 11 years in Kansas and Texas. Following her teaching career, Dr. Balzer has served in a variety of roles including; campus instructional specialist, academic dean, principal, Executive Director, and her current role as an Administrator Coach in School Improvement. Throughout her career, she has received many honors including; HEB Excellence in Education nominee, KISD Education Foundation Honoree, National Youth Leadership Forum Mentor Honoree, Who's Who Amongst National Teachers, NEA Leadership Award, and TASSP Outstanding Principal Nominee. Additionally, while serving as principal, Charles Patterson Middle School in Killeen, Texas her school was honored in the Bragging Rights issue of the Texas School Business publication. They received this distinguished recognition for implementing Carol Dweck’s work on Growth and Fixed Mindset resulting in achievement gains in mathematics. Additionally, while serving as the principal, Haltom Middle School was chosen as a Texas and National School to Watch based on student achievement, whole child development, and positive school culture. Dr. Balzer is passionate about growing teachers and leaders, implementing Growth/Fixed Mindset research in schools, and learning what motivates people to achieve greatness. In her spare time, she enjoys playing cards with friends and family, pool time, and golfing.